The 19th offline real-time writing problem in Python

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from math import floor

def solve(data):
    bad = map(int, data.split(','))
    hdd = [[0]*n for n in (0, 8, 16, 24, 32)]
    def mark(t,s): hdd[t%len(hdd)][s%len(hdd[t])] += 1
    def side(t,s): return int(floor((s - 0.5) / track * t + 0.5))
    for track, sector in ((b/100, b%100) for b in bad):
        mark(track, sector-1)
        mark(track, sector+1)
        if track > 1:
            for s in range(side(track-1, sector), side(track-1, sector+1)+1):
                mark(track-1, s)
        if track < 4:
            for s in range(side(track+1, sector), side(track+1, sector+1)+1):
                mark(track+1, s)
    return ','.join(map(str, (t*100+s for t in (1,2,3,4) for s in range(8*t)
                              if hdd[t][s]>1 and t*100+s not in bad))) or "none"

def test(data, correct):
    answer = solve(data)
    print 'xo'[answer == correct], data, correct, answer

0, test( "400,401,302", "300,301,402" );
1, test( "105,100,306,414", "none" );
2, test( "100", "none" );
3, test( "211", "none" );
4, test( "317", "none" );
5, test( "414", "none" );
6, test( "100,106", "107" );
7, test( "205,203", "102,204" );
8, test( "303,305", "304" );
9, test( "407,409", "306,408" );
10, test( "104,103", "207" );
11, test( "204,203", "102,305" );
12, test( "313,314", "209,418" );
13, test( "419,418", "314" );
14, test( "100,102,101", "201,203" );
15, test( "103,206,309", "205,207,308,310" );
16, test( "414,310,309", "206,311,413" );
17, test( "104,102,206,307,102,202", "101,103,203,204,205,207,308" );
18, test( "104,206,308,409,407", "103,205,207,306,307,309,408,410" );
19, test( "313,406,213,301,409,422,412,102,428", "none" );
20, test( "101,300,210,308,423,321,403,408,415", "none" );
21, test( "304,316,307,207,427,402,107,431,412,418,424", "none" );
22, test( "205,408,210,215,425,302,311,400,428,412", "none" );
23, test( "200,311,306,412,403,318,427,105,420", "none" );
24, test( "105,305,407,408,309,208,427", "104,209,306,406" );
25, test( "311,304,322,404,429,305,316", "203,303,321,405,406,430" );
26, test( "210,401,316,425,101", "211,315" );
27, test( "414,403,404,416,428,421", "303,415" );
28, test( "207,300,103,211,428", "104,206" );
29, test( "322,314,310", "none" );
30, test( "427,200,215", "100,323" );
31, test( "311,402,424,307,318,430,323,305,201", "200,204,301,302,306,322,423,425,431" );
32, test( "425,430,408", "none" );
33, test( "202,320,209,426", "319,427" );
34, test( "430,209,302,310,304,431,320", "202,303,323" );
35, test( "208,206,406,424,213,312", "207,311,313" );
36, test( "420,302,313,413,317,402", "301,403" );
37, test( "319,306,309,418,204,411", "305,307,308,412" );
38, test( "400,308,105,430,203,428,209", "104,210,429,431" );
39, test( "200,305,214", "215" );
40, test( "214,408,410,407,317,422", "306,316,409,423" );

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