The 10th offline real-time writing reference problem. Implementation example by Python.

Events: Problem: Answer links:

I wrote it in Python. Confirmed to work with both 2.7.2 and 3.3.

import re

def  isroyal( hand ) :
    ranks=sorted( [ r[0] for r in hand ] )
    return ranks==[1,10,11,12,13]

def  isstraight( hand ) :
    ranks=sorted( [ r[0] for r in hand ] )
    return (
        ranks==list( range( ranks[0], ranks[-1]+1) ) or 
        ranks==[1]+list( range( ranks[1], 14) ) )

def  isflash( hand ) :
    return len(set( [ r[1] for r in hand ] ))==1

def score( hand ):
    return (( 1 if isroyal( hand) else 0 ) +
    ( 2 if isstraight( hand) else 0 ) +
    ( 4 if isflash( hand) else 0 ) )

def rank( c ):
    if re.match( "\d", c ):
        return int(c)
        return { "J":11, "Q":12, "K":13, "A":1 }[c]

def solve( src ):
    hand = [ ( rank(c[0]), c[1] ) for c in re.findall( "([^shdc]+)([shdc])", src ) ]
    return (
        { 0:False, 7:"RF", 6:"SF", 4:"FL", 2:"ST", 3:"ST" }[
        ] or { 0:False, 6:"4SF", 4:"4F", 2:"4S"}[
            max( [ score(h) for h in (
                [ hand[0:i]+hand[i+1:5] for i in range(0,5) ]
            ) ] )
        ] or "-" )

def test( samples ) :
    for line in samples.splitlines():
        a=re.split( "\s+", line ) # num, input, expected
        if len(a) != 3:
        actual = solve( a[1] )
        print( [ "ok" if ok else "***NG***", a, actual ] )

test( """
0   Qs9s3dJd10h 4S
1   KdAdJd10dQd RF
52  10dKdQdAdJd RF"""    )

Most of the test data is omitted.

The ruby version ( was ported as it is.

When porting from ruby, it is very fresh to have to write return.

I wanted to use the else of the for loop, but I didn't have a chance to use it. Sorry.

I'm not used to python at all, so I usually don't write this! I would be grateful if you could give me information like> python people

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