Memo # 4 for Python beginners to read "Detailed Python Grammar"

Back number

-Memo # 1 for Python beginners to read "Detailed explanation of Python grammar" -Memo # 2 for Python beginners to read "Detailed Explanation of Python Grammar" -Memo # 3 for Python beginners to read "Detailed explanation of Python grammar"


#Returns true for the same object
>>> a = b = [1, 2, 3]
>>> a is b

#In this case it is a different object so the result of is is false
>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> b = [1, 2, 3]
>>> a is b
>>> a == b

#The result of is is judged by the id of the object
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)

>>> a = b = [1, 2, 3]
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)

Conditional operator (ternary operator)

>>> x = 1
>>> 100 if x == 1 else 200

>>> x = 2
>>> 100 if x == 1 else 200
>>> x == 1 and 100 or 200   #Rewriting by and and or

Automatic type conversion of numerical calculation results

>>> 1 + 1.0  #integer+Floating point number
2.0          #The result is a floating point number
>>> 1 + 1j   #integer+Complex number
(1+1j)       #The result is a complex number

Numerical calculation method

>>> divmod(20, 6)
(3, 2)  #The quotient and remainder of the division are returned as tuples. It looks convenient.

>>> pow(3, 4)     # 3 **Same as 4
>>> pow(3, 4, 5)  # 3 ** 4 %Same as 5, but faster

int([x, byte])

#Returns 0 with no arguments
>>> int()

#If you pass a floating point number, it will be rounded to 0
>>> int(10.5)
>>> int(-10.5)

#Cardinal number can be specified when passing a character string
>>> int('100')    #Decimal number when radix is omitted
>>> int('100', 2)
>>> int('100', 8)
>>> int('100', 10)
>>> int('100', 16)

#Convert as an integer literal, where the radix is 0
>>> int('100', 0)
>>> int('0b100', 0)
>>> int('0o100', 0)
>>> int('0x100', 0)

#Converts any character that is considered a number in the Unicode character database
>>> int('V', 32)
>>> int('100', 2)

Binary → integer object

>>> int.from_bytes(b'\x00\xff', byteorder = 'big')  #Since it is a class method, call it as an int type method
# signed =True to convert the byte sequence to a 2's complement signed integer
>>> int.from_bytes(b'\xfe\xff\xff\xff', byteorder = 'little', signed=True)

Integer object method

#Get byte sequence of integer values
>>> (255).to_bytes(2, byteorder = 'big')
#Converted as 2's complement
>>> (-2).to_bytes(4, 'little', signed = True)

#Returns the number of bits required to convert a number to a binary number (sign bit not included)
>>> (100000000).bit_length()

Logical value type

#Derived from an integer type, True is actually an integer 1 and False is an integer 0.
>>> int(True)
>>> int(False)

#Can perform the same operations as ordinary integers
>>> True + False
>>> True * False
>>> False - 1
>>> True + 1
>>> True / 2

Logical value object

#Logical value object is a bool type object
#There is always only one True object and one False object each
>>> bool(0)
>>> bool(1)
>>> bool([100])
>>> bool([])
>>> bool()

Bit inversion

# ~x is-1*(x+1)Returns an integer value that is (Python does not perform bit operations internally)
>>> ~5
>>> ~(-6)
>>> '{:08b}'.format(5 & 0xff)
>>> '{:08b}'.format(-6 & 0xff)

Infinity / non-number in floating point arithmetic

#If the floating point value is greater than the valid range
>>> 1e200 * 1e200
inf  #Infinity is displayed as inf
>>> -1e200 * 1e200

#The result is a non-number (Not A Number), such as when operating with an infinite value.:When it becomes NaN)
>>> 0 * 1e1000

#The value is inf,nan floating point number is float()Create with method
>>> float('nan')        #Non-number
>>> float('inf')        #Infinity
>>> float('-inf')       #Negative infinity
>>> float('infinity')   # 'infinity'Infinite

Floating point object methods

#Returns a tuple of two integer values whose ratio is the same as the value of the object. The second value is always positive.
>>> (0.5).as_integer_ratio()
(1, 2)
>>> (-2.5).as_integer_ratio()
(-5, 2)

# inf,The following exception is thrown for nan
>>> float('inf').as_integer_ratio()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
OverflowError: Cannot pass infinity to float.as_integer_ratio.

>>> float('nan').as_integer_ratio()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: Cannot pass NaN to float.as_integer_ratio.

#Output the value of the object as a character string in hexadecimal format
# [sign]['0x']integer['.'fraction]['p'exponent]Created in format
>>> 1.0.hex()

#Returns True if the value has a decimal point of zero and is an integer value other than inf or nan
>>> (-2.0).is_integer()
>>> (3.2).is_integer()
>>> float('inf').is_integer()
>>> float('nan').is_integer()

Decimal floating point number

#Calculations with floating point numbers are generally inaccurate
>>> 0.3 - 0.2

#Python provides a decimal module for decimal floating point arithmetic
#Unlike float type calculations, all calculations are done by software, so performance is degraded.
>>> import decimal
>>> print(decimal.Decimal('0.3') - decimal.Decimal('0.2'))

# inf, nan
>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> Decimal('inf')

>>> Decimal('nan') + 1   #The result of the operation with nan is nan,
>>> Decimal('sNaN') + 1  #An exception can be raised by using a special value called signaling NaN.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
decimal.InvalidOperation: [<class 'decimal.InvalidOperation'>]

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