[PYTHON] Basic usage of Jinja2


A memorandum of the super-basic part when using Jinja2


Python 3.5.2 Jinja2 2.9.6


Place the file like this.

File placement


Template file preparation

You can embed specific parameters in the template file. It is also possible to write repetitive syntax.


I'm a friend who is good at!

Script for plunging values into a template


from jinja2 import Template, Environment, FileSystemLoader

env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('.'))
template = env.get_template('template.txt.j2')

data = {
    "character": "cuisine",

rendered = template.render(data)


As the processing content,

  1. Get template.txt.j2 as a template
  2. Insert the value (cooking) into the {{character}} described in the template
  3. Render and display the result of inserting the value

I can't even try to make it simpler!

The execution result is as follows.

Output result

$ python friend_builder.py
I'm a friend who is good at!

The `cooking` is safely embedded in the `{{character}}` part of the template.

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