String manipulation in python

Summary of basic string operations in python

I often forget it, so make a note

Determining if a string is included

"ho" in "hoge" # True

Change and delete substrings

"hogehoge".replace('h', 'k') # "kogekoge"
"hogehoge".replace('h', '') # "ogeoge"

Convert an array to a string (of course, the contents can be converted to a string)

"".join([str(x) for x in l]) # "String"
"\t".join([str(x) for x in l]) # "tsv"

Occurrence frequency count of a specific character string

"hogehoge".count('h') # 2

Word count * However, morphological analysis has been completed and it is separated by spaces.

from collections import Counter
Counter("hoge nga kuke".split()) # {"hoge":1, "nga":1, "kuke":1}

Mutual conversion of characters to ascii code

ord('a') # 97
chr(97) # a

Extract Japanese with regular expressions (Hiragana)

import re
jap = re.compile("[Ah-Hmm]")
print(jap.findall("Hogehoge nga ward hair")) # ['Ho','Ge','Ho','Ge']

I will do my best in Unicode for kanji and symbols Unicode:Wikipedia =>

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