Python list manipulation

List join => extend ()

How to write Contents
s.extend(t) Add the contents of t to the object s
s += others s.extend(others)Will have the same result as

Add element at specified position => insert ()

How to write Contents
s.insert(i,x) I of object s(index)Insert x at the position specified by

Delete the element specified by the index => del

How to write Contents
del s[i:j] Delete elements from indexes i to j

Remove an element whose position you do not know => remove ()

How to write Contents
s.remove(x) Remove the first element that matches x from s

Know the index of an element => index ()

How to write Contents
s.index(x) Returns the index where x first appears in s

Is there a value => in

How to write Contents
x in s Returns True if the element of object s has x, False otherwise

How many values are in the list => count ()

How to write Contents
s.count(x) Returns the number of times x appears in s

Sorting elements => sort ()

List (list) Sort elements with a method dedicated to objects

How to write Contents
s.sort() Sort the elements of s in ascending order
s.sort(reverse=True) Sort the elements of s in descending order

Copy of list

a = [1,2,3]
b = a
a[0] = 'Hogehoge'



The operation for list a is also reflected in list b → "Substitution of reference"

To make a "real copy of the list"

a = [1,2,3]
b = a.copy()
c = list(a)
d = a[:]
a[0] = 'Hogehoge'



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