[python] Manage functions in a list


I think you may have multiple logics in a module and want to call them from a function.


I think you should read this!



├── modules
│   └──logic.py
└─ main.py



def func1(word):
    print('Here func1' + word)
def func2(word):
    print('Here func2' + word)   
def func3(word):
    print('Here func3' + word) 

def func4(word):
    print('Here func4' + word) 

def func5(word):
    print('Here func5' + word) 


import modules.logic as logic

def func(func_num, word):
    a = [_,
    return a[func_num](word

if __name__ == '__main__'
    func(3,'That's right')

Execution and results

$ python main.py

This is func1
This is func2
This is func3
This is func4
This is func5

one thing

Please let me know if there is a better way to write it.

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