Create a function in Python

I'll keep a note of how to create a function in Python.


Let the function name be function.

def function():
    #No arguments


Pass data (int, str, class, etc.) to the function. Let the argument (hikisu) name be args.

def function(args):
    #With arguments

def function2(args1,args2):
    #You can take as many arguments as you like

def function3(args="Hello World"):
    #Initial value can be set for the argument
    #If there are no arguments at the time of the call, args will"Hello World"Enter

Return value

Returns the result of processing in the function.

def function(args):
    #There is a return value
    n = args * 2 #Double the argument and return
    return n

def function2(args,args2):
    a = args + args2
    b = args - args2
    return (a,b) #Return as tuple type

Any type can be returned


To call a function, you can call it with the function name ().

def function():
    print("Hello World")

#Hello World

If there is no argument, you do not have to write anything in (). I get an error when I write it.

TypeError: function() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given


Arguments are written in ().

def function(args):

function("Hello World")
#Hello World

TypeError occurs if no argument is set.

TypeError: function() missing 1 required positional argument: 'args'

Return value

The return value can be put in a variable.

def function(args):
    n = args * 2 
    return n

n = function(5)#Assign the return value of the function function to the variable n


You can also call another function from within a function.

def function(args):
    n = function2(args,10)#Calling the function2 function from within the function function

def function2(args,args2):
    n = args * args2
    return n


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