Implement R's power.prop.test function in python

――I want to find sample size and verification ability when designing a goodness-of-fit test. --You can find it by using R's power.prop.test function. --I want to use a similar function in python ...

So, as an exercise, I implemented it in python based on the source code of R's power.prop.test function. Please refer to R official documentation for the meaning of the arguments. The code is at the end of the article.

Example of use

Find the sample size

--Assuming that Group 1 has a 1% chance and Group 2 has a 3% chance of having some effect. --Significance level is 0.05 --Detective power is 0.8 --One-sided test

Find the sample size n to satisfy the above conditions.

# python
> params_dict = power_prop_test(p1=0.01, p2=0.03, power=0.8, sig_level=0.05, alternative="one_sided")

    Sample size: n = 604.845426012357
    Probability: p1 = 0.01, p2 = 0.03
    sig_level = 0.05,
    power = 0.8,
    alternative = one_sided
    NOTE: n is number in "each" group

> print(params_dict)

{'n': 604.845426012357, 'p1': 0.01, 'p2': 0.03, 'sig_level': 0.05, 'power': 0.8, 'alternative': 'one_sided'}

It is almost the same as the result of passing the same value in R.

# R
> power.prop.test(p1=0.01, p2=0.03, power=0.8, sig.level=0.05, alternative="one.sided")

     Two-sample comparison of proportions power calculation 

              n = 604.8434
             p1 = 0.01
             p2 = 0.03
      sig.level = 0.05
          power = 0.8
    alternative = one.sided

NOTE: n is number in *each* group

Find detection power

Next, let's find the detection power (power) when the sample size n = 1000 in the same way.

> power_prop_test(n=1000, p1=0.01, p2=0.03, sig_level=0.05, alternative="one_sided")

    Sample size: n = 1000
    Probability: p1 = 0.01, p2 = 0.03
    sig_level = 0.05,
    power = 0.9398478094069961,
    alternative = one_sided
    NOTE: n is number in "each" group
> power.prop.test(n=1000, p1=0.01, p2=0.03, sig.level=0.05, alternative="one.sided")

     Two-sample comparison of proportions power calculation 

              n = 1000
             p1 = 0.01
             p2 = 0.03
      sig.level = 0.05
          power = 0.9398478
    alternative = one.sided

NOTE: n is number in *each* group

This also takes almost the same value.


--It may be easier to call the R function directly with PypeR etc. that runs R on python. --Depending on the initial value, it may not converge and may throw an error.

Thank you for reading.

Power_prop_test function used

#Set the desired parameter to None
#alternative is"one_sided" "two_sided"Select either
#Returns each obtained parameter as a dictionary type
def power_prop_test(n=None, p1=None, p2=None, sig_level=0.05, power=None,
                    alternative="one_sided", strict=False,
    from math import sqrt
    from scipy.stats import norm
    from scipy.optimize import brentq
    missing_params = [arg for arg in [n, p1, p2, sig_level, power] if not arg]
    num_none = len(missing_params)
    if num_none != 1:
        raise ValueError("exactly one of 'n', 'p1', 'p2', 'power' and 'sig.level'must be None")
    if sig_level is not None:
        if sig_level < 0 or sig_level > 1:
            raise ValueError("\"sig_level\" must be between 0 and 1")

    if power is not None:
        if power < 0 or power > 1:
            raise ValueError("\"power\" must be between 0 and 1")
    if alternative not in ["two_sided", "one_sided"]:
        raise ValueError("alternative must be \"two_sided\" or \"one_sided\"")
    t_side_dict = {"two_sided":2, "one_sided":1}
    t_side = t_side_dict[alternative]
    # compute power 
    def p_body(p1=p1, p2=p2, sig_level=sig_level, n=n, t_side=t_side, strict=strict):
        if strict and t_side==2:
            qu = norm.ppf(1-sig_level/t_side)
            d = abs(p1-p2)
            q1 = 1-p1
            q2 = 1-p2
            pbar = (p1 + p2) / 2
            qbar = 1 - pbar
            v1 = p1 * q1
            v2 = p2 * q2
            vbar = pbar * qbar
            power_value = (norm.cdf((sqrt(n) * d - qu * sqrt(2 * vbar))/sqrt(v1 + v2))
                    + norm.cdf(-(sqrt(n) * d + qu * sqrt(2 * vbar))/sqrt(v1 + v2)))
            return power_value
            power_value = norm.cdf((sqrt(n) * abs(p1 - p2) - (-norm.ppf(sig_level / t_side)
                        * sqrt((p1 + p2) * (1 - (p1 + p2)/2)))) / sqrt(p1 * 
                        (1 - p1) + p2 * (1 - p2)))
            return power_value
    if power is None:
        power = p_body()

    # solve the equation for the None value argument 
    elif n is None:
        def n_solver(x, power=power):
            return p_body(n=x) - power
        n = brentq(f=n_solver, a=1, b=1e+07, rtol=tol, maxiter=1000000)

    elif p1 is None:
        def p1_solver(x, power=power):
            return p_body(p1=x) - power
            p1 = brentq(f=p1_solver, a=0, b=p2, rtol=tol, maxiter=1000000)
            ValueError("No p1 in [0, p2] can be found to achive the desired power")
    elif p2 is None:
        def p2_solver(x, power=power):
            return p_body(p2=x) - power
            p2 = brentq(f=p2_solver, a=p1, b=1, rtol=tol, maxiter=1000000)
            VealueError("No p2 in [p1, 1] can be found to achive the desired power")

    elif sig_level is None:
        def sig_level_solver(x, power=power):
            return p_body(sig_level=x) - power
            sig_level = brentq(f=sig_level_solver, a=1e-10, b=1-1e-10, rtol=tol, maxiter=1000000)
            ValueError("No significance level [0,1] can be found to achieve the desired power")
    Sample size: n = {0}
    Probability: p1 = {1}, p2 = {2}
    sig_level = {3},
    power = {4},
    alternative = {5}
    NOTE: n is number in "each" group
    """.format(n, p1, p2, sig_level, power, alternative))
    #Each parameter is returned in a dictionary with argument names as keys
    params_dict = {"n":n, "p1":p1, "p2":p2,
                   "sig_level":sig_level, "power":power, "alternative":alternative}
    return params_dict

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