Specify multiple list indexes (Python)

If you want to retrieve multiple values from a list in Python, you can retrieve them in slices if they are contiguous, but I didn't know how to retrieve them if they were not contiguous, so I looked it up.

Verification environment


How to use itemgetter

It seems that ʻitemgetter` can be used from python2.5 or later, so I will try using it. If you pass an index in the list, the value of that index will be returned.

from operator import itemgetter

a = ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")

print itemgetter(1,3)(a) # ('b', 'd')

The reason why I wanted to do this is that it would be nice if the label was returned by machine learning, but when extracting the original data from it, I couldn't think of an easy way to write it. For example, in a classifier that distinguishes between lowercase and uppercase letters, if a label is returned and only uppercase letters are extracted from it, I wrote as follows.

from operator import itemgetter
import numpy

label_prediction = numpy.array([0,0,1,1,0,1])
data = ["a","b","C","D","e","F"]

label_match = numpy.where(label_prediction==1)[0]
print itemgetter(*label_match)(data)

Please let me know if there is another good way.

How to use numpy

I learned from s-wakaba! Thank you very much. I was pessimistic that I couldn't use numpy if it was a character string, but I could use it normally. Much more beautiful than using itemgetter.

import numpy

label_prediction = numpy.array([0,0,1,1,0,1])
data = ["a","b","C","D","e","F"]

print numpy.array(data)[label_prediction==1]

It would be helpful if you could tell me a better way to write down what you researched. I would like to take notes and expose my ignorance.

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