python string slice


The reason for writing this article is that I often use slices for the first time in competition pros, and my mind is getting crowded, so I decided to summarize it easily. It's just a slice note.

Program code

A string of numbers. The reason I chose a number string is because I thought the output result would be easy to understand.

s = "12345"
print(s[-1])  #end
5 #Output result
print(s[:-1])  #Delete the end
print(s[0])  #lead
print(s[0:])  #From beginning to end
print(s[1:])  #From first to last

start = "6" + s[1:]
print(start) #Remove the beginning and add 6 to the beginning

end = s[:-1] + "6"
print(end) #Remove the end and add 6 to the end

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