Slice error in python (´ ; ω ; `)

An error has occurred! !! !!

In python, I wrote a method to repel an invalid email address.

def isValidEmail(email):
    if email[0] == '@':
        return False
    elif ' ' in email:
        return False
    elif email.count('@') > 1:
        return False
    elif email['@':].count('.') < 1:
        return False
        return True

I wanted to add a condition to repel an email address that does not have a "." After the 4th "@" in the condition, but an error occurred.

The error content is "slice indices must be integers or None or have an __ index __ method" It was. Apparently the contents of the slice need to be an integer.


I prepared a variable that cuts out the domain name after @ in advance, and decided to search for "." In it. success!

def isValidEmail(email):
    domain = email.find('@')
    if email[0] == '@':
        return False
    elif ' ' in email:
        return False
    elif email.count('@') > 1:
        return False
    elif email[domain:].count('.') < 1:
        return False
        return True

It may not be the ultimate solution, but it's a solution for the time being!

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