Slice without using Python, colon (:). a.__getitem__ (slice (3,5)).


In Python, I arrived at a method of slicing without using a colon (:), so information sharing. There is no deep meaning. I thought that I wouldn't meet each other so much, so just as information.

Slice without using Python, colon (:). manner.

>>> a = [10,20,30,40,50,60,70]
>>> a.__getitem__(slice(3,5))
[40, 50]

Slices are also ** \ _ \ _ getitem \ _ \ _ **. You may not come across the writing style of ** slice (3,5) **.


Nothing in particular. I was thinking about something else and met, so I wrote an article. If you have any comments, please let us know. ** If you really knew the level of this article, In the comment section. .. .. See that (other power) **

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