[Python] JSON validation using Voluptuous

How to perform JSON value validation using the Voluptuous library in Python.

What is Voluptuous?

Validation library such as JSON of Python.

Official repository: https://github.com/alecthomas/voluptuous

Voluptuous, despite the name, is a Python data validation library. It is primarily intended for validating data coming into Python as JSON, YAML, etc.

As mentioned in the description in the repository, it's a great name.


1 Indulge in lust, drown in liquor, sensual.
2 Sensual, sexy, adorable, sexy.
3 <Feeling, etc.> Comfortable.


Python 2.6 and above

Can be installed with pip.

# pip install voluptuous

Python 2.5 Although it is not officially supported, it can be installed and operated at this article level with Install Voluptuous with Python2.5.

Sample program A sample program that shows the operation. Where the Schema declaration in get_schema is at the core. This is the definition of JSON schema in Voluptuous.

from __future__ import with_statement
import re
import sys
import json  # Python 2.5 is simplejson
import six
from voluptuous import Schema, Required, Any, Range, Invalid, ALLOW_EXTRA

def validate_io_size(v):
	if re.search("^[0-9]+[bkm]", v) is None:
		raise Invalid("not a valid value (%s)" % str(v))

def get_schema():
	schema = Schema({
		"comment"					: six.text_type,
		Required("operation")		: Any("read", "write"),
		"thread"					: Range(min=1),
		Required("io_size")			: validate_io_size,
		Required("access_percentage")	: Range(min=1, max=100),
	}, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA)
	return schema

def main():
	schema	= get_schema()
	with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as fp:
		dict_sample	= json.load(fp)
	return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':


Voluptuous term

Keywords meaning
Required Required parameter. No error will occur even if parameters without this are omitted.
Any Any value in the declaration is OK.
Range min or more and max or less is OK. You can also specify only min or max.
ALLOW_EXTRA Allows the existence of undefined parameters in the schema.

Validation method

One of the following

  1. Direct specification of possible values. It is also possible to have a width with Any, Range, etc.
  2. Class (Int, float, etc., six.text_type can be specified) --Any value is OK as long as the classes match
  3. Specify the validation function --This is the validate_io_size function mentioned above --The validation function throws an Invalid exception if the condition is not met

Operation example


Normal operation example


	"comment"			: "comment",
	"operation"			: "write",
	"thread"			: 8,
	"io_size"			: "8k",
	"access_percentage"	: 100
# python voluptuous_sample.py valid1.json
{u'comment': u'comment', u'operation': u'write', u'access_percentage': 100, u'thread': 8, u'io_size': u'8k'}

Example of normal operation (required parameters omitted)


	"operation"			: "write",
	"io_size"			: "8k",
	"access_percentage"	: 100
# python voluptuous_sample.py valid2.json
{u'operation': u'write', u'access_percentage': 100, u'io_size': u'8k'}

No error occurs even if there are no required parameters.

Error operation example


	"comment"			: "comment",
	"operation"			: "<invalid value>",
	"thread"			: 8,
	"io_size"			: "8k",
	"access_percentage"	: 100
# python voluptuous_sample.py invalid.json
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "voluptuous_sample.py", line 36, in <module>
  File "voluptuous_sample.py", line 29, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/voluptuous.py", line 337, in __call__
    return self._compiled([], data)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/voluptuous.py", line 635, in validate_dict
    return base_validate(path, iteritems(data), out)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/voluptuous.py", line 471, in validate_mapping
    raise MultipleInvalid(errors)
voluptuous.MultipleInvalid: not a valid value for dictionary value @ data[u'operation']

If there is a parameter that does not match the schema, voluptuous.MultipleInvalid will be sent and I get a message that the value of the parameter (operation in the example) is incorrect.

Error operation example (when validation function is specified)


	"comment"			: "comment",
	"operation"			: "write",
	"thread"			: 8,
	"io_size"			: "a8k",
	"access_percentage"	: 100
# python voluptuous_sample.py invalid2.json
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "voluptuous_sample.py", line 38, in <module>
  File "voluptuous_sample.py", line 31, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/voluptuous.py", line 337, in __call__
    return self._compiled([], data)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/voluptuous.py", line 635, in validate_dict
    return base_validate(path, iteritems(data), out)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/voluptuous.py", line 471, in validate_mapping
    raise MultipleInvalid(errors)
voluptuous.MultipleInvalid: not a valid value (a8k) for dictionary value @ data[u'io_size']

This is also the case when the validation function is specified.

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