Python Note: About comparison using is

It seems that the meaning is slightly different from "==". "is" is an exact match including the type.

print(1 == True)  # True
print(1 is True)  # False

Also, differences can be seen in the comparison between sequences.

li = [1,2,3]
st = [1,2,3]
print(li == st)  # True
print(li is st)  # False

By the way, I used to post a similar post in Javascript.

Even if the two arrays have the same value, they seem to be different objects, so it seems that there is a difference. Does "==" simply compare values and "is" compares the objects themselves?

Or rather, I noticed it for the first time, but it seems that the meaning is slightly different between Python and Javascript even if it is the same "==".

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