Python study note_004

The sample in Chapter 2 has been modified as follows.

--Points to check --Distinguishing between double quotes "" "and single quotes"'" in strings ――Both can be used, but it is a prerequisite to use them as a pair. : x: print (' this is a test ** ") or: x: print (" ** this is a test ') : o: print (' this is a test ') or: o: print (** "** this is a test **" **) --When double quotation mark "" "or single quotation mark"'" exists in the character string, it can be realized by the following two types of correspondence. :o: print( " this is Tom's pen ")
:o: print( ' this is Tom's pen ')
:o: print( ' I said "Hello!" ')
:o: print( " I said "Hello!" ")
--The output result of the input function always returns with the character type. --Order of operation code In the United States, PEMDAS (Parentheses: parentheses, Exponents: power, Use the acronym Multiplication: Multiplication, Division: Division, Addition: Addition, Subtraction: Subtraction). --If you enter multiple character strings you want to output in the print function, a space will be inserted between them.

#Ask for the dog's name
dog_name = input('What is the name of the dog?')

#Ask the age of the dog
dog_age = input('How old is the dog?')

#Multiply the age of the dog by 7 to find the human equivalent age
human_age = int(dog_age) * 7

#The return type of input is a string(str)
print('As it is, the result of age x 7:',dog_age * 7)

#If you enter multiple character strings you want to output to the print function, a space will be inserted between them.
print('your dog',
      'Human equivalent age',
      'I'm old')

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