Study, number guessing game in Python

Study, standard input to number guessing game!

#! F:/Python/python.exe
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import random
import re

#Number of digits

#Returns an array of random, unique numbers
def GetRandomNumbers(place):

	seed = range(0, 10)

	result = ""

	for i in range(0, place):
		result = result + str(seed.pop())

	return result

#Compare answers with answers
def CompareSolAns(solution, answer):
	h = 0
	b = 0
	for sIndex, sValue in enumerate(answer):
		for aIndex, aValue in enumerate(solution):
			if sValue == aValue :
				if sIndex == aIndex :
					h += 1
				else :
					b += 1
	return {"H":h, "B":b, "A":answer}

#Generate answer
solution = GetRandomNumbers(SCALE)

#Loop to the correct answer
count = 0
history = []
while True :
	#Answer input count
	count += 1
	#Enter the answer
	inputStr = "Turn "+str(count)+", Input Number:"
	inputStr = inputStr.decode('utf-8')
	ans = raw_input(inputStr)
	#Check input with regular expression
	checkMatch = re.match(r'^\d{'+str(SCALE)+'}$', ans)
	#If the input does not follow the regular expression, start over
	if checkMatch is None :
		print u"Bad Input"
	#Compare the answer with the correct answer
	result = CompareSolAns(solution, ans)
	#If the answer is correct, end
	if result["H"] == SCALE:
	#If the answer is incorrect, the results are stacked and displayed, and a loop is displayed.
	#View results
	for i, val in enumerate(history) :
		print "Turn "+str(i+1)+"\t"+val["A"]+"\t"+str(val["H"])+"H\t"+str(val["B"])+"B\t"

print unicode("****** Exactly! ****** "+str(count)+" turn you are seikai")

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