Number recognition in images with Python


Recognize the numbers in the image "easily". This time we will use tesseract from the python library. The code itself is very easy to build, but installing tesseract wasn't surprisingly easy, so make a note of it.

Installation procedure

You can complete the installation with the following command from the terminal.

Installation of tesseract

$ brew install tesseract
$ pip install pytesseract
$ pip install pillow

Confirmation of installation completion

$ python
>>> import pytesseract

If there are no errors, you are done.

Execution example

This time, let's recognize the numbers in this image (screen.png). screen.png

Click here for a script for number recognition.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pytesseract
from PIL import Image

url_img = 'screen.png'
img =
number = pytesseract.image_to_string(img)
print number

Let's run it.

$ python

Oh, he recognized it quickly. This time, there was little noise in the image and it was easy to recognize, but I am satisfied because it was recognized well.

Installation failure example

If you install tesseract obediently with pip, you will be addicted to it, so please be careful.

If you have pip, you can install it via pip like any other library.

$ pip install tesseract --user

You will be asked if you think the installation is complete, or if you try to import it, you are not sure.

$ python
>>> import tesseract
Please enter the path to an existing directory where qhull should be installed:

I'm asked to tell me where I have something installed, but I have no idea. Please take care


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