Debugging with pdb in Python

Debugging Python code with pdb

You can use ʻimport pdb`, but here we will show you how to debug without changing the source code. Only frequently used commands will be covered.

How to get started

$ python -m pdb


$ python3 -m pdb

Execution example

Example of program to execute

msg = "Hello world"

def hello(txt):


--pdb execution example

$ python3 -m pdb
> /path/to/current/directory/<module>()
-> msg = "Hello world"

How to use pdb

You can proceed with debugging by entering a command after (Pdb).

--Frequently used commands

command function
b(reak) [Number of lines or function name] Set a breakpoint on a row or function
c(ont(inue)) Run until the next breakpoint is reached
s(tep) Run current line(Stop at a function call)
n(ext) Run current line(If it is a function call, execute the function)
q(uit) Exit the debugger

You can omit the characters in parentheses in the command.

Execution example

$ python3 -m pdb
> /path/to/current/directory/<module>()
-> msg = "Hello world"
(Pdb) b 6
Breakpoint 1 at /path/to/current/directory/
(Pdb) c
> /path/to/current/directory/<module>()
-> hello(msg)
(Pdb) s
> /path/to/current/directory/
-> def hello(txt):
(Pdb) s
> /path/to/current/directory/
-> print(txt)
(Pdb) n
Hello world
> /path/to/current/directory/>None
-> print(txt)
(Pdb) c
The program finished and will be restarted
> /path/to/current/directory/<module>()
-> msg = "Hello world"
(Pdb) q


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