Note about pointers (Go)

I didn't know what the pointer was, so I looked it up. This time I wrote it in Go.


package main

import (

func main() {

	x := 2
	/*Address of variable x(The location of the memory where the variable x is stored)Store*/
	/*A variable that stores the address of a variable is called a pointer variable.*/
	x_pointer := &x

	/*Pointer variable x_Get the value that exists at the address stored in pointer*/
	/*If you think of memory as a js object and address as an object key, memory[address(x_pointer)] =Image of 2*/

	arg := 0
	arg_pointer := &arg

	/*Same result*/

	/*Value cannot be rewritten(It can be rewritten in the function, but it does not affect the value of the variable set as an argument.) */
    /*Get the rewrite result in the function with return*/


/*A function that takes a pointer variable as an argument(Pass by pointer) */
func test_pointer(val_pointer *int) {

	/*Seed using time(Source of random numbers?)I get the same value every time without Seed*/
	/*Get the address stored in the pointer variable->Specify the location of the memory to rewrite the value by address->0 the value stored in the specified memory location~Rewrite to a random number of 999*/
	*val_pointer = rand.Intn(1000)


/*Value-passing function(The usual) */
func test_val(val int) {

	val = rand.Intn(1000)


The method of setting the argument type differs between the function that passes by value (receives the value of a variable) and the function that passes by a pointer (receives the address of a variable).

/*Value-passing function*/
func(Argument Argument type) { /*Function processing*/ }
/*Before the function type name passed by pointer, "*Is attached*/
func(argument*Argument type) { /*Function processing*/ }

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