Basics of Python learning ~ What is a string literal? ~

This is a memorandum of learning Python. We hope that it will be helpful for beginners in programming and those who are also interested in other languages.

What is a string literal?

For me, who is new to learning Python, the word "** string literal " was the first time for me, so I wondered what " string literal **" was.

"** A string literal is a constant that indicates a continuous character string of 0 or more characters, which is described in programming languages. ** ”

It's a bit like the content I wrote in the previous article, but when defining a string in a Python program, it was to enclose a group of multiple characters in single quotes (') or double quotes ("). .. You've defined string literals for some time.

What if I use single or double quotes in a string?

Be careful when using single quotes (') or double quotes (") as characters.

For example, if you define a string literal containing single quotation marks such as "Bob's toy" as follows, "'Bob'" enclosed in the first and second single quotation marks is judged to be a string literal. The result is an error because "s toy'" is a syntactically incorrect description.

print('Bob's toy')

If you want to use single quotes as characters in a string like this, enclose the string in double quotes.

print("Bob's toy")

Conversely, if you want to use double quotes as characters in a string, enclose the string in single quotes.

print('I give her"Good morning"said')

There is also a way to use escape sequences, but I would like to post it as a separate article.

Reference article Write a string literal

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