Python executable file conversion module comparison 2

Continuation of python executable file conversion module comparison I'm trying it in various environments (updating)

At the moment, the GUI executable file using PyQt4 is limited to a size of about 20MB after being compressed with zip.

Environment 1

py2exe PyInstaller cx_Freeze
version 0.6.9 3.3.dev0+483c819 4.3.4
file size[MB] 43.5 81.5 44.7
execution time[sec] 15 49 8
startup time[sec] 1 5 1

Environment 2

An environment where the version of numpy is lowered to eliminate the dependency on MKL

py2exe PyInstaller cx_Freeze
version 0.6.9 3.2 4.3.4
file size[MB] 41.9 66.5 43.8
execution time[sec] 15 43 7
startup time[sec] 1 3 1

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