Python file processing

Open file

open () function ʻOpen (filename [, mode [, encode [, error handling]]])`

Close file

close () function F.close

Read the file

read () function ([integer size]) If an integer size is specified as an option, only the size will be read.

readline () function F.readline ([integer size]) Reads a line from the file and returns it as a string.

readlines () function F.readlines ([integer size]) Read multiple lines from a file.

** Read line by line from file and process **

f = open("test.txt", 'r', encoding='utf-8')
for line in f:
    print(line, end= " ")

Another option is to use the readlines () method, but this can cause problems when dealing with large files. Unless you have a specific reason, it's best to just add the file object to the for statement.

Write to file

write () function F.write (string) ** Open and export the file in the specified mode **

f = open("newfile.txt", "w", encodint="UTF-8")← Open file in mode w

f.write(s)← Write the string of variable s to a file
f.close ← Close the file

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