Python package manager comparison


--Shota Yamamoto --VisasQ Advisor Development Team --Front end center


--Python doesn't have clear de facto standard tools like npm, bundler --Most tools use pip internally ――Select in consideration of what you want to do and development speed

Thing you want to do

--Fixed version including child dependency --Package upgrade --Simple script registration

Don't talk

--Building packages, publishing to PyPI, etc.

Tools to introduce

Tools not to talk about this time


version control

Version upgrade

--Packages can be updated individually

Register a simple script



version control

url = ""
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

requests = "*"

pytest = "*"

Version upgrade

--Update all packages at once --Packets cannot be updated individually --Update all packages during install --Do not exceed the version described in Pipfile

Register a simple script

--Write in scripts of Pipfile --Run with pipenv run foo

lint = "flake8"


--There was a time when it wasn't released for about a year and a half --Released in April of this year and several times since: ideograph_advantage:


version control

requests = { version = "^2.13", extras = [ "security" ] }

my-script = 'my_package:main'

Version upgrade

--Packages can be updated individually --Need to update individually until child dependency

Register a simple script

--There is a function to prepare * .py and execute it. --You cannot write commands directly ――It's not easy because you need to prepare a file each time. --Convenient for doing complicated things


--There are few maintainers and the development speed is slow


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