File open function in Python3 (difference between open and and speed comparison)

First conclusion

The processing speed is faster with the open function. The versatile function. Both the readability and simplicity of the source code. In short, it was up to you to use it.


When you are doing "100 language processing knocks" that you all know for practicing python3, I noticed that there are two types of functions that open files (open and Both seem to be often used.

What is the difference between open and

The function can open a file encoded in Python2 series. Yeah, maybe it's convenient. I understand that this is the difference in usage (please let me know if you point out).

However, there are some differences in how to write the source code. Let's take a look below.

Source code comparison

Let's create a code that reads hoge.txt like the one below. hoge.txt

open source code

open_code Execution result ↓ open_result

The open function is included in the standard library, so there is no need for special import. The number of lines will be shorter by that amount, but it seems to be unfashionable because the argument name must be specified.

Source code for

codecs.open_code Execution result ↓ codecs.open_result

You need to import the codecs library. However, one line is short and looks smart because no argument name is specified.

Comparison of execution speed

Overwrite 1 million times and compare the speed. The execution was performed 5 times each.

Comparison program source code



The above measurement results are available. The open function was about 3 times faster. It's like a red comet.

Conclusion (I wrote the same thing as the conclusion at the beginning)

The processing speed is faster with the open function. The versatile function. Both the readability and simplicity of the source code. In short, it was up to you to use it.

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