Introduction to Metabase ~ Environment Construction ~


In recent years, I think that data visualization and democratization using BI tools have become extremely important. I have used BI tools such as Redash, but I haven't touched on Metabase, which has been a hot topic for a while, so I'll try to touch it once. For DB, I'm using MySQL8.

About the environment

Build with Docker. We have prepared the following docker-compose.yml.


version: '3'
    image: metabase/metabase:v0.37.0.2
    container_name: metabase
      - 3000:3000
      - ./metabase/data:/mnt/data

    build: ./db
    container_name: sample_db
      - 33006:3306
      - mysql-sample-app-data:/var/lib/mysql
      MYSQL_APP_USER: sample
      MYSQL_DATABASE: metabase_sample
    restart: unless-stopped

    driver: local

Regarding the directory hierarchy, I uploaded the project to GitHub, so Please check here.

Actually launch

Start it with the following command.

[inagacky@macbook] ~/workspace/metabase_sample
% docker-compose up -d

After that, access http: // localhost: 3000 and if the following screen appears, it is successful. スクリーンショット 2020-10-29 9.47.05.png

Initial setting

Follow the guide to Language, User Settings, and Data Source Settings. It's very polite, so you don't have to worry. スクリーンショット 2020-10-29 9.49.31.png

When the settings are complete, the screen below will appear. Initially there is Sample Dataset, but this time we will verify it with our own DB. スクリーンショット 2020-10-29 9.52.42.png

DB settings

Create a table and pour data into the DB that is running on Docker. Since we are in the real estate business, we make a simple table with a structure like that. This time, we will create customer information, property information, and contract information. (There are some fields that should be mastered, but it was troublesome, so I made it as it is.)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `customers` (      --Customer information
  `id` INT AUTO_INCREMENT,                    -- PK
  `name` VARCHAR(20) ,                        --Full name
  `age` INT,                                  --age
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `idx_age`(`age`)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `property` (    --Property information
  `id` INT AUTO_INCREMENT,                 -- PK
  `prefName` VARCHAR(20) ,                 --Name of prefectures
  `price` BIGINT,                          --price
  `category` VARCHAR(20),                  --category(Detached house/land/Condominiums, etc.)
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `idx_prefName`(`prefName`),
  KEY `idx_price`(`price`)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `contracts` (  --Contract information
  `customer_id` INT NOT NULL,             --Customer ID
  `property_id` INT NOT NULL,             --Property ID
  CONSTRAINT fk_customer_id
    FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) 
    REFERENCES customers (id)
  CONSTRAINT fk_property_id
    FOREIGN KEY (property_id) 
    REFERENCES property (id)

For the data, flow the following.

--Customer information
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`customers` (`name`, `age`) VALUES ('Ichiro Yamada', '30');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`customers` (`name`, `age`) VALUES ('Jiro Yamada', '31');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`customers` (`name`, `age`) VALUES ('Ichiro Tanaka', '32');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`customers` (`name`, `age`) VALUES ('Jiro Tanaka', '45');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`customers` (`name`, `age`) VALUES ('Saburo Tanaka', '50');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`customers` (`name`, `age`) VALUES ('Ichiro Suzuki', '47');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`customers` (`name`, `age`) VALUES ('Jiro Suzuki', '20');

--Property information
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`property` (`prefName`, `price`, `category`) VALUES ('Aichi prefecture', '32000000', 'Detached house');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`property` (`prefName`, `price`, `category`) VALUES ('Aichi prefecture', '40000000', 'Detached house');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`property` (`prefName`, `price`, `category`) VALUES ('Tokyo', '90000000', 'Detached house');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`property` (`prefName`, `price`, `category`) VALUES ('Tokyo', '120000000', 'apartment');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`property` (`prefName`, `price`, `category`) VALUES ('Aichi prefecture', '20000000', 'land');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`property` (`prefName`, `price`, `category`) VALUES ('Tokyo', '90000000', 'apartment');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`property` (`prefName`, `price`, `category`) VALUES ('Aichi prefecture', '24000000', 'apartment');

--Contract information
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`contracts` (`customer_id`, `property_id`) VALUES ('1', '1');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`contracts` (`customer_id`, `property_id`) VALUES ('2', '2');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`contracts` (`customer_id`, `property_id`) VALUES ('3', '3');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`contracts` (`customer_id`, `property_id`) VALUES ('4', '4');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`contracts` (`customer_id`, `property_id`) VALUES ('5', '5');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`contracts` (`customer_id`, `property_id`) VALUES ('6', '6');
INSERT INTO `metabase_sample`.`contracts` (`customer_id`, `property_id`) VALUES ('7', '7');

Play with metabase

The introduction has become long, but I'm going to play with metabase a little.

Table join

Table joins can also be done on the GUI. スクリーンショット 2020-10-29 11.12.30.png

You can browse the table as shown below. スクリーンショット 2020-10-29 11.13.15.png


There are various types of graphs as well. (It didn't look good because there wasn't much data ...) スクリーンショット 2020-10-29 11.18.37.png


You can also create a dashboard as shown below. スクリーンショット 2020-10-29 11.24.36.png


I touched metabase for the first time, but I intuitively understood various things. Since the article became longer than I expected due to environment construction etc., regarding each function of metabase, I will touch on graph creation with various indicators in another article. .. (Please be aware that this is an environment construction edition ...)

That's all, thank you.

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