Introduction to Micronaut 2 ~ Unit test ~


Introduction to Micronaut 1 ~ Introduction ~ continued Perform a unit test by slightly extending the HelloController created last time. Use the Micronaut extension module Micronaut Test.

What is Micronaut Test?

Test framework for Micronaut

You can test with either. This time I will test using JUnit 5.

Modification / addition of implementation class

Controller fix

Add a test method to HelloController.

import io.micronaut.http.MediaType;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get;

public class HelloController {
    HelloService helloService;

    HelloController(HelloService helloService) {
        this.helloService = helloService;

    @Get(produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
    public String index() {
        return "hello world!!";

    //Added for testing with multiple parameters
    @Get(uri = "/{path}",processes = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
    public String index(String path) {
        return path;

    //Service class processing Added for Mock confirmation
    @Get(uri = "/compute/{number}",processes = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
    public String compute(Integer number) {
        //Set the compute method to Mock during testing.
        return String.valueOf(helloService.compute(number));
Add service class


public interface HelloService {
    public Integer compute(Integer num);


import javax.inject.Singleton;

public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService {
    public Integer compute(Integer num) {
        return num * 4;

Unit test

Add dependent libraries


dependencies {
・ ・ ・
    testAnnotationProcessor "io.micronaut:micronaut-inject-java"
    testCompile "io.micronaut.test:micronaut-test-junit5"
    testCompile "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-params"
    testCompile "org.mockito:mockito-core:2.24.5"
    testRuntime "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine"
Add unit test

import io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest;
import io.micronaut.http.client.RxHttpClient;
import io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client;
import io.micronaut.test.annotation.MicronautTest;
import io.micronaut.test.annotation.MockBean;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

public class HelloControllerTest {
    //Test HelloController with RxHttpClient
    RxHttpClient client;

    HelloService helloService;

    void testHelloIndex() {
        final String result = client.toBlocking().retrieve(HttpRequest.GET("/hello"), String.class);
                "hello world!!",

    //You can pass multiple parameters and test multiple times with the same source
    @ValueSource(strings = { "racecar", "radar" })
    void testHelloIndexPath(String path) {
        final String result = client.toBlocking().retrieve(HttpRequest.GET("/hello/" + path), String.class);

    @CsvSource({"2,4", "3,9"})
    void testComputeNumToSquare(Integer num, Integer square) {

        //Set the behavior of Mock
                .then(invocation -> Long.valueOf(Math.round(Math.pow(num, 2))).intValue());

        //Call the controller to get the result
        final Integer result = client.toBlocking().retrieve(HttpRequest.GET("/hello/compute/" + num), Integer.class);


    //Mock definition using MockBean
    HelloService mathService() {
        return mock(HelloService.class);


Since it is a unit test using JUnit, the introduction barrier seems to be low. Since Micronaut started up quickly, the test was light and good.


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