Introduction to Ratpack (9) --Thymeleaf

Ratpack introductory series

  1. Introduction to Ratpack (1) --What is Ratpack
  2. Introduction to Ratpack (2) --Architecture
  3. Introduction to Ratpack (3) --Hello world detailed explanation
  4. Introduction to Ratpack (4) --Routing & Static Content
  5. Introduction to Ratpack (5) --Json & Registry
  6. Introduction to Ratpack (6) --Promise
  7. Introduction to Ratpack (7) --Guice & Spring
  8. Introduction to Ratpack (8) --Session
  9. Introduction to Ratpack (9) --Thymeleaf


Ratpack provides modules that support the Thymeleaf template engine.


dependencies {
    compile "io.ratpack:ratpack-thymeleaf:${ratpack}"

Add a module.

Function<Registry, Registry> registry = ratpack.guice.Guice.registry( bindings -> {
    bindings.module( new ThymeleafModule() );
} );

By default, the Thymeleaf module recognizes * .html files under $ {BaseDir} / thymeleaf as templates. Therefore, it is necessary to set BaseDir.

            .development( true )
            .findBaseDir( "public/.ratpack" )

In this case, public / thymeleaf is considered the template directory.

The module registers a Renderer for the ratpack.thymeleaf.Template class. Note that it is not a renderer ** for Thymeleaf's ʻIContext**.Template can be created from the Template.thymeleafTemplate () `method.

Action<Chain> handlers = chain -> {
    chain.get( "/:name?", ctx -> {
        String name = ctx.getPathTokens().get( "name" );
        name = name.isEmpty() ? "world" : name;
        ctx.render( Template.thymeleafTemplate( ImmutableMap.of( "name", name ), "template" ) );
    } );

The map of the first argument is the parameter binding and the second argument is the name of the template. If BaseDir is public / .ratpack, the actual file to be resolved will be public / thymeleaf / template.html.

The template file is exactly the same as a regular Thymeleaf.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja" xmlns:th="">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

<h1 th:text="'hello, ' + ${name}"></h1>


As you can see, using Thymeleaf is very easy. The module implementation itself is easy to create, as long as you have a class that represents the template and an implementation of the renderer that wraps the template engine. I think it would be easy to support Velocity and other template engines with a similar pattern.

About Thymeleaf version

~~ The modules provided by the Ratpack official are currently (February 2018) up to Thymeleaf 2.1.5. It doesn't support version 3 (I implemented it myself because it can't be helped-Promotion). ~~ Officially supported in 1.6.0 and later. Please use that.

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