Introduction to RSpec 1. Test, RSpec

This is the first introduction to RSpec. Series Overview

Why automate testing

First and foremost, once you write a test, you don't have to check the operation every time you rewrite the program, and you can reduce the risk of missing checks **. It takes a certain amount of man-hours to write a complete test, but reducing the total work time including bug fixing will be a considerable merit. Another thing is that you can ** guarantee the operation of the program ** by enhancing the automatic test. Just saying "I've verified it works!" Is not a guarantee, but the fact that the test was run and passed ensures that it works at least within the scope of the test.

Benefits of RSpec

・ ** Easy to read and write ** ・ ** You can write code efficiently if you master the library **

Be aware of the test

  1. Reliable
  2. Easy to write
  3. Easy to understand at any time


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