Introduction to RSpec 5. Controller specs

Continuation of Last time

Controller testing in RSpec can be replaced by model testing and integration testing, so there aren't many opportunities to use it. Recently, with the introduction of system specs, which are more advanced integration tests, the number of controller specs has been further reduced. However, I think that it may be touched by the maintenance of the existing program, so I will summarize it only lightly.

Static controller specs

Tests if the status of the response is successful. First, generate a spec file.

$ rails g rspec:controller home

spec/controllers/home_controller_spec.rb will be generated.

Test if the controller returns a successful response to the request.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe HomeController, type: :controller do
  describe "#index" do
    it "responds successfully" do
      get :index
      expect(response).to be_success

The response is an object that holds all the application data that should be returned to the browser. be_success is a matcher that checks if the response status is successful (200) or not.

You can use have_http_status if you want to see a specific HTTP response code.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe HomeController, type: :controller do
  describe "#index" do
    it "responds a 200 response" do
      get :index
      expect(response).to have_http_status "200"

Controller specs that require authentication

I will write the specifications of the projects controller. This controller has a common CRUD structure that allows only logged-in users to work with projects associated with them.

$ rails g rspec:controller project

Preparation before the test

As before, we'll first test for a successful response, but controller actions that require authentication need to be prepared in advance.

There are two main preparations,

  1. Loading Devise helper module
  2. Definition of helper method for login is. I will explain step by step.

Loading Devise helper module

Devise provides a helper that simulates a user's login state for controller actions that require authentication, and uses this helper when running tests. However, RSpec doesn't load this helper by default, so I'll add some settings to make it available.


  #Add this one line
  config.include Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers, type: :controller

With this setting, you can use Devise's helper module in the controller specifications.

Definition of helper methods for login

If you send a request while the user is not logged in, you will get a redirect (302) back to the login page, so you need to be logged in as a test setup.

Even if you describe the login process in the specifications, it will work, but since the login process is performed frequently, it is a must to create a helper now.

#Login process tailored to each app
def sign_in(user)
  cookies[:auth_token] = user.auth_token


Since the processing results of the Projects controller differ between the logged-in user and the guest user, prepare multiple test scenarios.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe ProjectsController, type: :controller do
  describe "#index" do

    context "guest" do
      it "returns a 302 response" do
        get :index
        expect(response).to have_http_status "302"

      it "redirects to the sign_in page" do
        get :index
        expect(response).to redirect_to "users/sign_in"

    context "logged_in" do
      before do
        @user = FactoryBot.create(:user)
      it "responds successfully" do
        sign_in @user
        get :index
        expect(response).to be_success

      it "responds a 200 response" do
        sign_in @user
        get :index
        expect(response).to have_http_status "200"

Test user input

We will also test POST, PATCH, and DESTROY requests using the create action as an example. Don't forget input errors and tests.


describe "#create" do
  context "guest" do
    it "returns a 302 response" do
      project_params = FactoryBot.attributes_for(:project)
      post :create, params: { project: project_params }
      expect(response).to have_http_status "302"

    it "redirects to the sign_in page" do
      project_params = FactoryBot.attributes_for(:project)
      post :create, params: { project: project_params }
      expect(response).to redirect_to "/users/sign_in"

  context "logged_in" do
    before do
      @user = FactoryBot.create(:user)

    context "vaild attributes" do
      it "adds a project" do
        project_params = FactoryBot.attributes_for(:project)
          post :create, params: { project: project_params }
        }.to change(@user.projects, :count).by(1)

    context "invaild attributes" do
      it "dose not add a project" do
        project_params = FactoryBot.attributes_for(:project, :invalid)
          post :create, params: { project: project_params }
        }.to_not change(@user.projects, :count)

Handle non-HTML output

We will also look at testing the process of returning data in formats such as CSV and JSON. With the code to send the request

format: :json

Specify the format with

expect(response.content_type).to eq "application/json"

You can test by specifying the format of the data returned in.


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