Introduction to design patterns (introduction)

Around the first year after joining the company, my seniors recommended that it be useful in the future, and although it was painful, I studied design patterns. A few years later, I am re-studying design patterns. When I first read a book on design patterns, I didn't know how to use it because of the difficult words lined up, and it was very difficult to put it into my own words. .. I would like to peruse the design patterns again with the meaning of review, and reproduce the implementation in Java language for each pattern.

GoF design pattern

Iterator Composite Builder Factory Method Abstract Factory Strategy Flyweight Singleton Prototype Adapter Decorator Proxy Bridge Facade Mediator Chain of Responsibility Command Interpreter Memento Observer State Template Method Visitor

First, let's proceed with the GoF pattern. If you can finish GoF, it may be multithreaded, JavaEE and so on.

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