Important design patterns to improve maintainability


Hello. It's Kecho. Have you made code that is not maintainable? Here's the code I've pointed out earlier and improved.

Before improvement


public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		if (args[0].equals(ExecPattern.A.toString())) {
		} else if (args[0].equals(ExecPattern.B.toString())) {
		} else {
			throw new Exception("illigal request parameter");

	private static void exeA(String input) {
		// something

	private static void exeB(String input) {
		// something
public enum ExecPattern {
	A, B


The process is branched by the IF statement using the first argument passed at the time of execution. Actually, I prepared a logic class and went out for the logic part.

What's wrong

In this case, it is necessary to add a new IF statement when the execution pattern C is newly added. It's not maintainable, and frequent controller class updates aren't very desirable. Ideally, any additional modifications should be minimized.

After improvement


abstract class ExecLogic {
	abstract void execute(String args);

An abstract class inherited by the Logic class. In this case, A class and B class inherit.

public class A extends ExecLogic {
	void execute(String args) {
		// something
public class B extends ExecLogic {
	void execute(String args) {
		// something

Logic is described in A and B classes.

public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		ExecLogic logic = (ExecLogic) Class.forName(args[0]).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance(); //※1

In the Main class, A and B class instances are created from the runtime arguments and processing is executed.

Class.forName("className").getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance()Let's use.


## What has improved
 Consider actually adding a C class.
 All you have to do is add a C class and write the logic inside.
 No modification is required for the controller class.
 We have now achieved a minimum of modifications when adding.

# bonus
 In reality, I think you'll need to validate the runtime arguments.
 Therefore, it is necessary to avoid increasing the number of corrections.
 Let's implement it as follows.

	private static boolean validate(String[] args) {
		boolean res = false;
		for (ExecPattern execPattern : ExecPattern.values()) {
			if (execPattern.toString().equals(args[0])) {
				res = true;
		return res;

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