Introduction to migration

Introduction to migration

What is migration?

text Migration is a convenient way to make continuous changes to your database schema easy. Since the migration uses a Ruby DSL, you don't have to write raw SQL and make changes to the schema independent of the database type.

I see, when you add a table or when you add an attribute to a table You need to create SQL, right?


You can write raw SQL and make changes to the database like this, but you don't have to do that. It also does not depend on the database type. I used it somehow, but it's amazing.

Migration example

Here is an example of adding a table called products.

It contains a string column called name and a text column called description. The primary key is implicitly added with the name id. id is the default primary key in the Active Record model.


class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    create_table :products do |t|
      t.string :name
      t.text :description

Performing this migration will generate a table. You can also drop this table by rolling back.

Create migration

rails generate migration AddPartNumberToProducts part_number:string

Running the above code will generate a migration file like the one below. The content is to add a column to products.


class AddPartNumberToProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    add_column :products, :part_number, :string

Reflected in DB

Reflect the previous migration file in the DB.

rails db:migrate
#roll back
rails db:rollback

You can execute migration or rollback as described above.

Roughly, I summarized the migration. I used to use it somehow, but I've gradually come to understand what it's like.

That's all for today ** 91 days to become a full-fledged engineer **

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