How to write a unit test for Spring Boot 2


I decided to write a unit test with spring boot2, so I will organize the writing style.

How do you write a test of the value set in Model? I hope you can use it to remember in such cases.

Sample code is available on GitHub.

Response Status test

import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status;

        //Whether to return the status "200 OK"

The documentation looks like here.

Both isOk () and is (200) give the same result.

thymeleaf template file

public class HomeController {
  @GetMapping(path = "/")
  String home(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) {
    // home.Specify html
    return "home";

With that feeling, you will return the thymeleaf template file. This is a test.

        //Whether to return the template "home"

Test with the name method. The documentation is here.

Model test

You pack data into the Model with the controller, right?

public class MyData {
  private String strData;
  private int intData;

  public MyData(String strData, int intData) {
    this.strData = strData;
    this.intData = intData;

  public void setStrData(String strData) {
    this.strData = strData;
  public String getStrData() {
    return this.strData;

  public void setIntData(int intData) {
    this.intData = intData;
  public int getIntData() {
    return this.intData;

public class HomeController {
  @GetMapping(path = "/")
  String home(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) {

    // string
    model.addAttribute("test", "this is test");

    // HashMap<String, String>
    HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    map.put("name", "momotaro");
    map.put("age", "23");
    model.addAttribute("map", map);

    // List<String>
    List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
    model.addAttribute("list", list);

    // List<MyData>
    List<MyData> list2 = new ArrayList<MyData>();
    list2.add(new MyData("test1", 111));
    list2.add(new MyData("test2", 222));
    model.addAttribute("list2", list2);

    // home.Specify html
    return "home";

@SpringBootTest(classes = HomeController.class)
public class HomeControllerTest {
  private MockMvc mockMvc;

void home screen() throws Exception {

    HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    map.put("name", "momotaro");
    map.put("age", "23");

    List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

    List<MyData> list2 = new ArrayList<MyData>();
    list2.add(new MyData("test1", 111));
    list2.add(new MyData("test2", 222));

        //Whether to return the status "200 OK"

        //Whether to return the template "home"

        //Model test.

        //string type
        .andExpect(model().attribute("test", "this is test"))

        //HashMap type
        .andExpect(model().attribute("map", map))

        // List<String>Mold
        .andExpect(model().attribute("list", hasSize(3)))   //List size
        .andExpect(model().attribute("list", hasItem("list1")))   //Does list1 included
        .andExpect(model().attribute("list", hasItem("list2")))   //Does list2 included
        .andExpect(model().attribute("list", hasItem("list3")))   //Does list3 included
        .andExpect(model().attribute("list", contains("list1", "list2", "list3")))  // list1, list2,Is it included in the order of list3?
        .andExpect(model().attribute("list", is(list)))  //Whether it matches list

        // List<MyData>Mold
        .andExpect(model().attribute("list2", hasSize(2)))   //List size
          hasItem(allOf(hasProperty("strData", is("test1")), hasProperty("intData", is(111))))
        ))   //Does this combination of data be included?
          hasItem(allOf(hasProperty("strData", is("test2")), hasProperty("intData", is(222))))
        ))   //Does this combination of data be included?
        //.andExpect(model().attribute("list2", is(list2)))  //Whether it matches list2->This way of writing is not possible. An error will occur.


You can test with the attribute method like this. The documentation is here

test redirect

It will be redirected by POST processing.

  @PostMapping(path = "/testpost")
  public ModelAndView testpost(RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes,  @RequestParam(value = "intvalue", required = false, defaultValue = "0") Integer intvalue) {
    ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("redirect:/testget");

    //Check input value
    if (intvalue <= 0) {
      redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("error", "intvalue must be greater than 0");
      return modelAndView;
    //Set data
    modelAndView.addObject("value", intvalue);
    return modelAndView;

  void testpost() throws Exception {
    //If you do not pass the parameter, it will be caught in the check
        .andExpect(flash().attribute("error", "intvalue must be greater than 0"));

    //Pass the check after passing the parameters
    this.mockMvc.perform(post("/testpost").param("intvalue", "5"))

Use redirectedUrl () to test the redirected URL.

Use flash () to test redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute ().

Parameters received by POST can be specified by param ().

Test if a particular method was called with a particular argument

When receiving POST on Controller I think I'll do something about it. That test.

Here, DI a specific Service to Controller Let's test that the Servcie method is called in the Post process.

public class MyService {
  public void test(int value) {
    System.out.println("MyService.test()..." + value);

public class HomeController {

  MyService myService;

  @PostMapping(path = "/testpost2")
  public String testpost2(@RequestParam(value = "intvalue", required = false, defaultValue = "0") Integer intvalue) {

    //MyService test()Call

    return "redirect:/";

@SpringBootTest(classes = HomeController.class)
public class HomeControllerTest {
  private MockMvc mockMvc;

  private MyService myService;

  void testpos2() throws Exception {
    //redirectUrl check
    this.mockMvc.perform(post("/testpost2").param("intvalue", "5")).andExpect(redirectedUrl("/"));

    //MyService test()Test if the method was called with an argument value of 5
    verify(this.myService, times(1)).test(5);

verify(this.myService, times(1)).test(5);

If you write "The test method of the MyService class was called once with an argument value of 5" It will be a test.

The test to see if it was called twice

verify(this.myService, times(2)).test(5);


When you want the argument value to be 10

verify(this.myService, times(1)).test(10);


by this, The controller test Checking the value of the parameter to isolate the process, Passing parameter values to functions of other services I think it can be narrowed down to two types.

Test of Get parameters

Post parameters were specified in params (), The Get parameter is specified by the URL.

  @GetMapping(path = "/testget")
  String testget(@RequestParam(value = "value", required = false, defaultValue = "0") Integer value, @ModelAttribute("error") String error, Model model) {

    model.addAttribute("strError", error);
    model.addAttribute("intValue", value);

    // testget.Specify html
    return "testget";

  void testget() throws Exception {
        //Whether to return the status "200 OK"

        //Whether to return the template "testget"

        //Model test.
        .andExpect(model().attribute("intValue", 5))
        .andExpect(model().attribute("strError", "SuperError"))

in conclusion

It's still a memo when I started writing tests with spring boot, so I would like to continue to add more.

Sample code is available on GitHub.


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