1. Conclusion </ b>
2. When is it going to be ○○ </ b>
Supplement: Development environment </ b>
Embed an environment variable in a variable and use visit to jump to the URL where the environment variable is embedded </ b>!
def basic_pass(path) #---❶
username = ENV["STUDY"]
password = ENV["STUDY_password"]
visit "http://#{username}:#{password}@#{Capybara.current_session.server.host}:#{Capybara.current_session.server.port}#{path}"
RSpec.describe 'Post a comment', type: :system do
before do
@time = FactoryBot.create(:time)
@comment = Faker::Lorem.sentence
it 'Logged-in users can comment on the self-learning post details page' do
#log in
basic_pass new_user_session_path #---❷
fill_in 'Email', with: @time_report.user.email
fill_in 'Password', with: @time_report.user.password
expect(current_path).to eq root_path
I wrote it as above!
❶ Since the specific example of the URL below is not an environment variable, I assigned the environment variable to the variable. After that, I imitated the following URL. ❷ If you do not write the basic_pass method before the integration test code is loaded, you will not be able to pass the basic authentication test ID and password. Therefore, I code it at the very beginning of the integration test code and move to the new registration screen (using devise gem).
URL that was quite helpful: How to pass Basic authentication with Capybara + Headless Chrome (System Spec)
Ruby 2.6.5 Rails MySQL Visual Studio Code (Caprybara,Rspec,GoogleChrome)
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