[Environment construction] Eclipse installation
An open source integrated development environment (IDE) developed by IBM in Java.
I will install "Eclipse".
## Install "7-zip".
## Download "Pleiades All in One".
[Pleiades All in One Download](https://mergedoc.osdn.jp/)
① Click "Eclipse 2020" on the upper left.
(2) Download "Windows 64bit-Full Edition-Java".

## Unzip the downloaded file using 7-zip
◆ In a Windows environment, decompress with decompression software called "7-Zip".
Files downloaded with other answer software are said to not work properly.
◆ Place the unzipped folder in any location, such as directly under the c drive.

## Start Eclipse
Execute "eclipse.exe" in "eclipse" of the installation folder to start Eclipse
the end
I will summarize the details of environment construction in Eclipse again. \ (^ O ^) /