[Environment construction] Spring Tool Suite4 installation (Mac)

First draft: 2018/11/17


Create some kind of web service using spring used at the internship destination

After all, I think that environmental development is the most time-consuming and often discouraging (two losses), so I will leave as much material as possible.

PC environment

macOS Mojave Version10.14
%brew --version
Homebrew 1.8.2
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 0998; last commit 2018-11-17)
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 11b48e; last commit 2018-11-16)

Pioneer for reference

Basically, only the difference with the person here is described.

Because I am studying English, I will not translate it into Japanese for the time being.


% echo $JAVA_HOME
miyazakBookpuro% echo $M2_HOME

STS install I was a little confused because I changed from STS 3.9 to 4.0, but I installed SpringTool4 for Eclipse (By the way, it seems that brew does not have sts)

lombok setting (What should I use it for)

When executing lombok.jar, from Specify Location


Choose. (One loss)

encoding [Preference]->[General]->[Workspece]->Text file encoding check

JRE confirmation

[Preference]->[Java]->[Installed JREs] Make the selected JRE the same as JAVA_HOME (one loss) When it became java 10.0 and java 11.0, it changed from oracleJdk to openJdk, and there were two.

This is the end of the installation procedure for this book.

There was already a article (windows) that describes the introduction of STS4.0.

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