◆ Spring Boot + gradle environment construction memo
★ Introduction
I was quite addicted to building the environment of SpringBoot + gradle
Leave an environment construction memo for yourself.
★ Environment
- Eclipse : 4.8.0 Photon
--Spring Boot version: 2.1.3
--Gradle version: Buildship 3.0
- OS : Windows10 64bit
★ Download Eclipse
Originally I used Eclipse, but since the version was 3.7 and it was for PHP,
I put the latest version for java.
Download the Windows 64bit Standard Edition java from the above.
★ Add plugin
Spring Tools 3 Add-On (aka Spring Tools Suite3)
- Select [Help (H)] ⇒ [Eclipse Marketplace (M) ...]
- Eclipse Marketplace: Enter [STS] in [Search] on the [Search] tab.
- Eclipse Marketplace: Press the [Install] button of [Spring Tools 3 Add-On (aka Spring Tools Suite3) 3.9.7.RELEASE]
- Confirm selected features: All should be checked by default, so click the [Confirm] button.
- License Review: Check [I accept the terms of the Terms of Use (A)] and click the [Finish (F)] button.
- Security warning: A pop-up will appear. Click the [Install] button.
- Do you trust these certificates? : Click the [Select All (S)] button and click [Accept Selection (A)].
- Software update: Click the [Restart Now] button to restart Eclipse.
Minimalist Gradle Editor
Briefly what overlaps with STS.
- Eclipse Marketplace: Enter [gradle] in [Search (I)] on the [Search] tab.
- Eclipse Marketplace: Press the [Install] button in [Minimalist Gradle Editor 1.0.1]
- Push it in the same way as STS. Reboot
Buildship Gradle Integration
- Eclipse Marketplace: Enter [gradle] in [Search (I)] on the [Search] tab.
- I tried to install [Buildship Gradle Integration 3.0] ... but it was already [Installed], so I didn't do anything.
★ Project creation
Let's create a project! ** I was really into this. ** **
- [File (F)] ⇒ [New (N)] ⇒ [Other]
- Select the wizard: [Spring Boot] ⇒ Select [Spring Starter Project] and click the [Next] button.
- New Spring Starter Project: Leave default for Service URL Name and select Gradle (Buildship 3.x) for Type: ...

** I'm getting some error message. ** **
I'm an engineer who can't read English, so I'm in trouble. .. However, I somehow found that Buildship was not installed properly. It was already installed.
After that, I couldn't update from the available updates, enabled or disabled it on the available software site, and tried various things, but the problem was not solved. I tried it for about an hour.
As a result, it is solved by the following method.
- Select [Help (H)] ⇒ [Eclipse Marketplace (M) ...]
- Eclipse Marketplace: Press the Installed tab
- Eclipse Marketplace: Press the [Update] button of [Buildship Gradle Integration 3.0]
★ Project creation (re)
★ If you try steps 1 to 3 of project creation ...

** I got it! ** **
- Add [Group] and [Package] to the list and click the [Next] button.
- New Spring Starter Project: Check [Web] ⇒ [Web] and click the [Next] button.
- New Spring Starter Project: Keep the default and press the [Finish (F)] button.
The project is now successfully created.
The actual operation will be described in the next article.