Build Spring Boot project by environment with Gradle

There are several ways to run a build by environment in Gradle, This time, I will introduce how to output the war file after rewriting the settings of of Spring Boot.

The development tool used is STS, and it is assumed that Gradle Buildship works.

Finally, the part surrounded by the red frame is added to Gradle Tasks, By executing it, you will be able to output a war file for each environment. スクリーンショット 2019-10-07 22.02.48.png


Spring Initializr To create a project template. Select Gradle Project in Project, select Packaging and press the Generate button to download. This time, we will move it on the assumption that war will be output.

After downloading, unzip the zip file Let's import it into STS as a Gradle project.

Directory structure

│  build.gradle                     //Add build script here
│  //Create a new
    │  ├─java
    │  │  └─com
    │  │      └─example
    │  │          └─demo
    │  │        //To fix
    │  │
    │  └─resources
    │     //Create a new
    │ //Create a new
    │         //To fix

setting file

In Spring Boot, prepare a file called application-environment You can apply the settings for each environment by setting the environment name in So, please prepare the following three files under resources.

sample_data=Development Environment

sample_data=Production Environment

Sample application

This time, I will run a very simple application that displays the contents of the setting file for each environment. Let's rewrite as follows.

package com.example.demo;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;

public class DemoApplication {
	private String data;  //This value is the sample of the configuration file_Read from the value of data

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx =, args);
		DemoApplication demo = ctx.getBean(DemoApplication.class);;
	private void run() {

When executed, the file set in should be read and the value corresponding to the environment should be displayed.

Execution result (Spring log omitted)

Development Environment

Write a build script

This time, execute the task for each environment from the Gradle Tasks view of STS and output the war. First, execute the process of replacing with the one for which the environment to be built is set. Let's create the following template file.${buildEnv}

Next, write a task to overwrite with a file that replaces the $ {buildEnv} part of the template file. Let's add it to build.gradle. Also, since we will be using the war command this time, don't forget to write the settings for the war command.


plugins {
	// (Omission)
//Added war command settings
war {
	enabled = true
	archiveName 'sample.war'

// (Omission)

//Each file name
def templateFile = ''
def configFile = ''
//Target environment name (substitute a value later)
def targetEnv = ''

task replaceConfig {
	description 'Replace environment.'

	doLast {
		println '    start replacing :' + targetEnv
		//Copy execution part
		copy {
			// from:Specify the directory containing the files to copy
			from '.'
			// include:This time, the file name to be copied is specified.
			include templateFile
			// into:Copy destination directory
			into 'src/main/resources'
			// application.Rename to properties
			rename(templateFile, configFile)
			// ${buildEnv}Replace
				buildEnv: targetEnv
			println "    replacing finished"
	//When the replacement task is completed, war is output with the war command (if it is a jar file, make it a jar)
	finalizedBy {

The war task is now executed after the copy process is executed. However, with this alone, the value of targetEnv is still an empty string, so describe the part to be set. I will add more.



def templateFile = ''
def configFile = ''
def targetEnv = ''

task replaceConfig {
	// (Omission)

task warProduct {
	//By setting group, it will be displayed in build of Gradle Tasks view
	group = 'build'
	description 'Create war file for product environment.'

	doLast {
		//Set targetEnv
		targetEnv = 'product'
	//After setting targetEnv, execute the replaceConfig task
	finalizedBy {

//dev is the same as Product
task warDev {
	group = 'build'
	description 'Create war file for dev environment.'
	doLast {
		targetEnv = 'dev'
	finalizedBy {


I wrote to execute the replaceConfig task after setting targetEnv in each task. This should work. The following is the uncut version.


plugins {
	id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.1.9.RELEASE'
	id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.8.RELEASE'
	id 'java'
	id 'war'
war {
	enabled = true
	archiveName 'sample.war'

group = 'com.example'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
sourceCompatibility = '1.8'

repositories {

dependencies {
	implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter'
	testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'

//Each file name
def templateFile = ''
def configFile = ''
//Target environment name (substitute a value later)
def targetEnv = ''

task replaceConfig {
	description 'Replace environment.'

	doLast {
		println '    start replacing :' + targetEnv
		//Copy execution part
		copy {
			// from:Specify the directory containing the files to copy
			from '.'
			// include:This time, the file name to be copied is specified.
			include templateFile
			//Copy destination directory
			into 'src/main/resources'
			// application.Rename to properties
			rename(templateFile, configFile)
			// application_In the template${buildEnv}Replace
				buildEnv: targetEnv
			println "    replacing finished"
	//When the replacement task is completed, war is output with the war command.
	finalizedBy {

task warProduct {
	//By setting group, it will be displayed in build of Gradle Tasks view
	group = 'build'
	description 'Create war file for product environment.'

	doLast {
		//Set targetEnv
		targetEnv = 'product'
	//After setting targetEnv, execute the replaceConfig task
	finalizedBy {

//dev is the same as Product
task warDev {
	group = 'build'
	description 'Create war file for dev environment.'
	doLast {
		targetEnv = 'dev'
	finalizedBy {

That's all there is to it. If you execute warDev or warProduct from Gradle Tasks, a war file will be created in build / lib. If you unzip the war and check in it, it should be the setting of each environment.

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