Build PlantUML environment with VSCode + Docker


Recently, I was told that it was getting harder to write sequences with the gui drawing tool while I was working, so I decided to code it with PlantUML. At that time, there were some people who could build the environment smoothly and some who couldn't, so I wondered if it would be easy to build the environment with docker. The files written in the article are published on Github.


It is a prerequisite machine environment

--You can use docker --docker-compose can be used --VSCode is installed

things to do

The Docker image of PlantUML Server has been released, so I will use that. Change the VS Code extension settings to render using the PlantUML Server started locally.

1. Create docker-compose.yml

It is troublesome to specify the port every time and `` docker run```, and I want to make post-processing easy, so I will make it possible to start and end with docker-compose. Create an appropriate directory and place the following docker-compose.yml` file.


version: '3'
    image: plantuml/plantuml-server
    container_name: plantuml-local-server
      - "8080:8080"

2. VS Code settings

--Install extension PlantUML --Set the following from the Extension settings of the installed PlantUML

That's all for the settings.

How to use

When you want to draw a diagram with plantuml, move to the directory where docker-compose.yml is placed and then start plantuml-server as follows.

$ docker-compose up -d

Create a pu file with VS Code. The location of the file is arbitrary.


@startuml sample
alice -> Bob: Hello, Bob!
alice <-- Bob: Hello, Alice!

Open the VS Code command palette (ctrl + shift + p for windows command + shift + p for mac) Select PlantUML: Preview Current Diagram to see the preview. If you edit the file as it is, the preview will be updated as well.

When you finish

$ docker-compose down

Is OK.

Reference information

Easy to build UML explosive preview environment with Visual Studio Code + PlantUML Server on Docker

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