Build an environment with Docker on AWS

3 ways to send a container to AWS

-Use the Docker registry (Docker hub) ・ Send Dockerfile ・ Send Docker image as tar

Log in to the host EC2 with SSH

Access with SSH when using the shell. If you log in with SSH, you can install Docker on your AWS instance.

SSH ・ ・ ・ secure shell Launch a shell to secure

ssh -i xx.pem username@hostname

xx.pem ・ ・ ・ Key file downloaded when the server was set up -i ・ ・ ・ Option to specify the key file

Example) ssh -i mydocker.pem ubuntu@ec2 ・ ・ ・

Install Docker on your AWS instance

-Access the server with SSH.  ssh -i xx.pem username@hostname ・ Update the package  sudo apt-get update ・ Install docker  sudo apt-get install

※sudo gpasswd -a ubuntu docker By creating a group called docker and putting ubuntu in it, people who belong to the group can use docker. When using docker on ubuntu server, basically do it (It will be possible to execute without sudo)

Create a container by sending a Docker image as a tar

Send the Docker image as a tar.

Convert to tar file

docker save image ID> arbitrary file name.tar docker save fd867gy7fg > myimage.tar

Access AWS with sftp

Files can be transferred by accessing with sftp.

sftp ・ ・ ・ Secure File Transfer Protocol

sftp -i xx.pem username@hostname Example) ssh -i mydocker.pem ubuntu@ec2 ・ ・ ・


・ Put local / path [remote / path] put temp_folder/myimage.tar /home/ubuntu Send local files to remote server (EC2)

・ Get local / path [remote / path] Fetch files from a remote server (EC2).

Revert to Docker image from .tar

Access AWS with ssh and restore the image with docker load. · Ssh -i xx.pem username @ hostname -Docker load <filename.tar -Make it a container with docker run.

Example) docker load < myimage.tar

Create a container by transferring Dockerfile

-Access with sftp and transfer the docker file.  sftp -i xxx.pem ubuntu@[hostname]  put local/path [remote/path]

・ Access with ssh, build and create a container  ssh -i xxx.pem ubuntu@[hostname] (Create a new folder, create a build context and put the Dockerfile there)  docker build .


This article is a transcript of udemy's docker course ( by Kame-san (

Kame-san's blog (

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