Build Redmine code reading environment on Docker


Build an environment for reading the source code of redmine with Docker. The goal is as follows.


The reason for building the operating environment is that we want to read the code while linking the actual application behavior and the code content in our head.

Why do you want to code read?

We believe that reading code written by humans will lead to new discoveries and learning. In my case, I often have trouble with class division, naming, test code writing, error handling, etc., so I have a motivation to increase the number of withdrawals.

Why Redmine?

I chose Redmine for the following reasons.


We will proceed with reference to the following.

Preparing the repository

  1. Fork the repository of redmine
  2. Clone the forked repository
  3. Move to the redmine directory
  4. Cut another branch from the master branch (I made it code_reading)

Creating Docker related files

Create the following files directly under the redmine directory.

The contents of the file are as follows.


Since Redmine's Gemfile references config / database.yml, you need to do COPY. / Redmine and then bundle install. By the way, what I refer to and do is change the installed Gem according to the DB to be used. For example, if the connection information of postgres is written in config / database.yml, the gem for connecting to postgres will be installed. I didn't have much idea of dynamically changing the gem specified in the Gemfile, so I feel that I have already learned.


FROM ruby:2.5

RUN curl -sS | apt-key add - \
    && echo "deb stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y nodejs postgresql-client yarn
RUN mkdir /redmine
WORKDIR /redmine
COPY Gemfile /redmine/Gemfile
COPY Gemfile.lock /redmine/Gemfile.lock
COPY . /redmine
RUN bundle install

# Add a script to be executed every time the container starts.
COPY /usr/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/

# Start the main process.
CMD ["rails", "server", "-b", ""]

set -e

# Remove a potentially pre-existing for Rails.
rm -f /redmine/tmp/pids/

# Then exec the container's main process (what's set as CMD in the Dockerfile).
exec "$@"


The commented out is the setting for ruby-debug / ruby-debug-ide. I introduced it, but the operation was not stable in my environment, so I try not to use it once.


version: '3'
    image: postgres
      - ./tmp/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
        - "5433:5432"
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password
    build: .
    # command: bash -c "rm -f tmp/pids/ && bundle exec rdebug-ide --host --port 1234 -- bin/rails s -p 3000 -b"
    command: bash -c "rm -f tmp/pids/ && bin/rails s -p 3000 -b"
      - .:/redmine
      - "3003:3000"
      # - "1234:1234"
      # - "26162:26162"
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
      - db

Addition of Gem for debugging

Add the following to Gemfile. Refer to the articles such as.


group :development do
  gem "yard" #Add below this
  gem "better_errors"
  gem "binding_of_caller"
  gem "pry-rails"
  gem "pry-byebug"
  #Commented out because it did not work stably
  # gem "ruby-debug-ide"
  # gem "debase"      

Also, in order to use better_erros in the environment on Docker, add the following to development.rb.


BetterErrors::Middleware.allow_ip! ""

database.yml settings

Create config / database.yml and make it as follows.


default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  host: db
  # For details on connection pooling, see Rails configuration guide
  pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>
  username: postgres
  password: password

  <<: *default
  database: redmine_development

  <<: *default
  database: redmine_test

  <<: *default
  database: redmine

Launching the environment

Now that the file is ready, start the container and run the application.

#Empty Gemfile.Make a lock
$ touch Gemfile.lock
#Build container image
$ docker-compose build
#Start container
$ docker-compose up -d
#DB creation
$ docker-compose run --rm web rake db:create
#Perform migration
$ docker-compose run --rm web bin/bundle exec rake db:migrate
#Redmine default data entry task
$ docker-compose run --rm web bin/bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data

If the startup is successful, the Status will be Up as shown below with docker-compse ps.

$ dcom ps
    Name                   Command               State    Ports                                  
redmine_db_1 postgres    Up>5432/tcp                                                  
redmine_web_1 bash -c rm - ...   Up>3000/tcp

After this, if you access http: // localhost: 3003, the Redmine screen will be displayed. Also, at first, you can log in with ʻadmin` for both ID and password. This completes the environment construction.

Debugging with pry-byebug

Attach to the container while the container is running with docker-compose up.

$ docker attach redmine_web_1

Add binding.pry to the relevant part of the code you want to check. The following example is added to wellcome # index which is executed when accessing the root path of Redmine.


  def index
    binding.pry #Add where you want to look
    @news = News.latest User.current

If you access http: // localhost: 3003 in this state, the following contents will be displayed on the terminal and you will be able to execute steps.

From: /redmine/app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb:25 WelcomeController#index:

    23: def index
    24:   binding.pry
 => 25:   @news = News.latest User.current
    26: end

[1] pry(#<WelcomeController>)> Started GET "/" for at 2020-09-27 07:41:34 +0000
[1] pry(#<WelcomeController>)> 

You can execute steps by typing a command at [1] pry (# <WelcomeController>)>.

that's all

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