I tried to build the environment of PlantUML Server with Docker

The other day I was working on drawing a class chart. I haven't drawn a class diagram since I took the applied information exam. .. .. Moreover, the applied information is a pattern memorization due to the fill-in-the-blank problem. .. .. The work was completed successfully, but I decided to study modeling. Therefore, I tried to build the environment of PlantUML execution environment (PlantUML Server) that can draw UML like programming using Docker.

Pull of container image

Download the official image from Docker Hub. It can be executed with the following command.

docker pull plantuml/plantuml-server

If you use the command format used in Docker Ver1.13.x or later, you can execute it with the following command.

docker image pull plantuml/plantuml-server

Start container

Start the container. By passing the --restart = always option, the container will be restarted automatically when the host is restarted. It seems that you can choose Jetty version or Tomcat version, but I did not specify it in particular. After checking the log, it seems that the Jetty version is started by default. Either way, it's still implemented in Java.

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --restart=always plantuml/plantuml-server

It can also be executed with the following command.

docker container run -d -p 8080:8080 --restart=always plantuml/plantuml-server

Start confirmation

To check on the host, launch a browser and go to localhost: 8080. If you move to the screen below, you are successful. It seems that the drawn UML diagram can be displayed as SVG or ASCII Art.




Now that you have built the environment for PlantUML Server, I would like to study modeling with the following books.


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