I tried to solve the problem of "multi-stage selection" with Ruby


24th Offline Real-time Writing Problem

Reference (Clojure version)

I solved it in Clojure earlier. https://qiita.com/kts_h/items/64bb74fdcef642198bc5

Ruby version

Many answers by Ruby have already been issued, but I tried to solve it myself because it became interesting, so I will post it.

I wanted to write the ʻeach_charblock insolve` neatly, so I made it a class and changed the contents of the instance variables one after another.

class MultiStageSelection
  def self.solve(cmds)

  def initialize
    @enum = 1.step

  def drop_nth(n)
    enum = @enum
    @enum = Enumerator.new do |y|
      n -= 1
      loop do
        n.times { y << enum.next }

  def drop_before(test)
    enum = @enum
    @enum = Enumerator.new do |y|
      a, b = enum.next, enum.next
      loop do
        y << a unless send(test, b)
        a, b = b, enum.next

  def drop_after(test)
    enum = @enum
    @enum = Enumerator.new do |y|
      a, b = enum.next, enum.next
      y << a
      loop do
        y << b unless send(test, a)
        a, b = b, enum.next

  def drop_100
    enum = @enum
    @enum = Enumerator.new do |y|
      100.times { enum.next }
      loop { y << enum.next }

  def solve(cmds)
    cmds.each_char do |cmd|
      case cmd
      when "s" then drop_before(:square?)
      when "S" then drop_after(:square?)
      when "c" then drop_before(:cube?)
      when "C" then drop_after(:cube?)
      when "h" then drop_100
      else drop_nth(cmd.to_i)
    puts @enum.take(10).join(",")


  def square?(n)
    Math.sqrt(n).truncate**2 == n

  def cube?(n)
    Math.cbrt(n).truncate**3 == n


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