I tried to get the information of the nearest station from the address with ruby.
Get here https://e.developer.yahoo.co.jp/dashboard/
-Encode the requested address to url
・ Request with open-uri
The response looks like this
Get it using REXML. It is stored in the coordinates tag.
Click here for url
The response returned is like this (multiple returns in order of closeness: eyes :)
As mentioned above, the station information is included in the station tag. Specify the first station tag because it contains multiple station information.
The code looks like this.
require 'open-uri'
require 'uri'
require "rexml/document"
## 1. request Yahoo API
### 1.1
YAHOO_APP_ID = '[Yahoo app_id]'
### 1.2
ADDRESS ='1-1 Chiyoda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo'
query = URI.encode_www_form(query: ADDRESS) ##encoding
request_url = "https://map.yahooapis.jp/geocode/V1/geoCoder?appid=#{YAHOO_APP_ID}&#{query}"
### 1.3
res = OpenURI.open_uri(request_url)
doc = REXML::Document.new(res.read)
coordinates = doc.elements['YDF/Feature/Geometry/Coordinates'].text
lon,lat = coordinates.split(',')
p "longitude= #{lon} ,latitude= #{lat}"
## 2. Heart Rails API
### 2.1 1.Request with the latitude and longitude obtained in
heart_rails_request_url = "http://express.heartrails.com/api/xml?method=getStations&x=#{lon}&y=#{lat}"
### 2.2 Scrap the returned nearest station information
res = OpenURI.open_uri(heart_rails_request_url)
doc = REXML::Document.new(res.read)
station = doc.elements['response/station[1]']
name = station.elements['name'].text
line = station.elements['line'].text
distance = station.elements['distance'].text
p name
p line
p distance
The result of requesting the nearest station at the Imperial Palace (1-1 Chiyoda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo).
"longitude= 139.75381447 ,latitude= 35.68382285"
"Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line"
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