I tried to make a program that searches for the target class from the process that is overloaded with Java


I tried this article to find out the load on my application The program under load was found.


However, since it is difficult to type commands every time, I made it possible for the program to automatically issue commands. It is published on github, so I hope it helps someone. I made it quickly, so please understand that it is full of feelings for the time being ...


Operation confirmed environment

CentOS 6.7 java8

Execution method


Execute the following in the target system. A log directory is created in the directory directly under the execution, and the log is output there. I think it is necessary to execute with the same authority as the application.

java -jar check-java-process.jar 50 30 packageName

https://github.com/ewai/check-java-process/tree/master/build/libs You can use the jar that is placed here You can import it into eclipse as a gradle project and fine-tune it.


# Set value default Trailing
1 CPU(%) 50 Search for processes that exceed this set value
2 processing time(Seconds) 10 Search for processes that exceed this set value
3 keyword None Only processes that have this keyword in stacktrace will be logged.

What you are doing in the program

  1. Find the java process
  2. Get a thread dump of 1
  3. Find the child process of 1
  4. Match 2 and 3 and issue a stack trace for each child process.
  5. Only processes that exceed the parameter threshold.
  6. Only processes that include parameter keywords.
  7. Output to the log.

that's all.

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