I tried to make a group function (bulletin board) with Rails

Creating a group function (bulletin board style) with Rails

Development environment

  1. ruby 2.6.3
  2. Rails 5.1.6
  3. AWS Cloud9
  4. GitHub
  5. sqlite3 (develop environment)

Design concept

Users are free to create groups and can also belong to groups created by other users. Members who join the group will also be able to speak freely within the group.

If you put this mechanism on the table, Since users and groups have a many-to-many relationship, we will use an intermediate table. And since there is a many-to-many relationship between users and posts within the group, we also use an intermediate table. IMG_8162 (1).jpg

The ER diagram looks like this. (I'm sorry for handwriting ...)


The previous ER diagram has the following associations.


class Group < ApplicationRecord
  validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: true
  has_many :group_users
  has_many :users, through: :group_users
  has_many :groupposts
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :group_users


class GroupUser < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :group
  belongs_to :user


class Grouppost < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :group
  belongs_to :user



class GroupsController < ApplicationController
  def new
    @group = Group.new
    @group.users << current_user
  def create
    if Group.create(group_params)
      redirect_to groups_path, notice: 'I created a group'
      render :new
  def index
    @groups = Group.all.order(updated_at: :desc)
  def show
    @group = Group.find_by(id: params[:id])
    if [email protected]?(current_user)
      @group.users << current_user
    @groupposts = Grouppost.where(group_id: @group.id).all
  def group_params
    params.require(:group).permit(:name, :user_id [])
  def grouppost_params

The basic design is the same as around the user.

def show

  if [email protected]?(current_user)
   @group.users << current_user

In this way, people who follow the link of a group can belong to that group.


class GrouppostsController < ApplicationController
  def new
    @grouppost = current_user.groupposts.new
    @group = Group.find_by(id: params[:group_id])
  def create
    @group = Group.find_by(id: params[:group_id])
    @grouppost = current_user.groupposts.new(grouppost_params)
    @grouppost.group_id = params[:group_id]
    if @grouppost.save
      redirect_to group_path(@group.id)
    def grouppost_params

This also has the same shape as the posting function created earlier.

With the above, the 2ch small group function (bulletin board style) is completed. As a future task, I would like to be able to lock when creating a group and create an invitation-only group.

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