Make a site template easily with Rails


I want to be able to create a lot of sites, but what should I do? The question came up. So, I looked at various tutorial sites, but the function called scaffold used in Rails seemed to be useful, so I will try to implement it.

Project launch

Introducing Ruby and Rails

First, set up ruby ​​and Rails on your PC. It was carried out with reference to the following article. (Mac)

[Complete version] All the steps to build a Rails environment on Mac Refer to the above article and perform a general installation.

Looking back, I think it's best to refer to the articles posted in the past year as much as possible. If it is earlier than that, there is a possibility that it will not work well even if the version upgrade of os itself is straddled.

Run Rails project

$ rails new scaffold_sample
$ cd scaffold_sample
$ rails generate scaffold user name:string age:integer

If you input like this, you can see all the views and controllers with user models.

You can also operate the screen, so what should I do? May be pretty easy to understand.

From now on, I'll do various things so that I can make such a site. Hello Work Job Search Hello Work Summary Site Hello Work Search Site

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