Display a confirmation screen before registering a record with rails


Ruby on Rails5 Posted in the output of the quick learning practice guide. This time, I will post about the function to display a confirmation screen such as "Register with this content" before registering the record! As an example, I am creating a task management application.

table of contents

<!-Edit title and anchor name->

  1. Create an action (#Chapter1)
  2. Add Routing
  3. Add / Edit View (#Chapter3)
  4. Implementation of back button
  5. References

<!-Each chapter->

Create an action

First, create an action in the controller that transitions to the confirmation screen.


def confirm_new
  @task = current_user.tasks.new(task_params)
  render :new unless @task.valid?

Add routing

This time, to nest in the task, set as follows.


resources :tasks do
  post :confirm, action: :confirm_new, on: :new

This description will generate the URL / tasks/new/confirm.

Add and edit views

add to

First, create a view of the confirmation screen.


h1 Confirmation of registration details

= form_with model: @task, local: true do |f|
        th= Task.human_attribute_name(:name)
        td= @task.name
        = f.hidden_field :name
        th= Task.human_attribute_name(:description)
        td= simple_format(@task.description)
        = f.hidden_field :description
  = f.submit 'Return', name: 'back', class: 'btn btn-secondary mr-3'
  = f.submit 'Registration', class: 'btn btn-primary'

No data has been saved when this screen is displayed. Since data is needed when executing the create method after this, hidden_field keeps the data of the previous screen invisible to the user and passes it.


Next, set the transition destination of the new addition screen to the confirmation screen.


= form_with model: @task, local: true, url: confirm_new_task_path do |f|
    = f.label :name
    = f.text_field :name, class: 'form-control', id: 'task-name'
    = f.label :description
    = f.text_area :description, rows: 5, class: 'form-control', id: 'task_description'
  = f.submit "Verification", class: 'btn btn-primary'

Implementation of back button

We will implement the processing when the back button of the confirmation screen is pressed. "Back" is added to the name attribute of the back button of the confirmation screen created earlier. When this button is pressed, a parameter called params [: back] is sent, so if there are these params, implement it by rendering to the new method.


def create
    @task = current_user.tasks.new(task_params)
    if params[:back].present?
      render :new
    if @task.save
      redirect_to tasks_url
      render :new

This completes the implementation of the confirmation screen!


-Ruby on Rails 5 Quick Learning Practice Guide that can be used in the field

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