Make a typing game with ruby

Hello. This time I will make a typing game in Ruby. If you want to try it for the time being, please try it from here.

Then how to make it? I will write.

[1] Collect words

This time it was troublesome, so I only use 100 English words, but please add as you like. If you change it a little, you should be able to speak Japanese (although it seems to be troublesome to support Hepburn romanization) (Is it okay to set the Hash value to list?

Well, I think you can do it properly here. It ’s not that important.

[2] Get the key event

You can do it easily with ʻio / console`. Ruby is easy to do like this, isn't it?

require 'io/console'

ch = STDIN.getch
puts ch

[3] Write highlights and core parts at once

It is assumed that words contains a list of words written in [1].

require 'io/console'

miss = 0
all = 0
flag = false

while true
  word = words.sample
  puts "\e[36m#{word}\e[0m"
  i = -1
  wl = word.length
  print "\e[2m#{word}\e[0m"
  while i != (wl-1)
    i += 1
    key = STDIN.getch
    all += 1
    if key == word[i]
      print "\r#{word[0..i]}\e[2m#{word[i+1..wl]}\e[0m"
    elsif key == "\C-c"
      flag = true
      print "\r#{word[0...i]}\e[31m#{word[i]}\e[0m\e[2m#{word[i+1..wl]}\e[0m"
      miss += 1
      i -= 1
  break if flag

Well, it's simple to do, so you'll understand. \ r is a carriage return and \ e [~~ m is an ANSI escape sequence.

Display grades

require 'io/console'
require 'benchmark'

miss = 0
all = 0
flag = false

result = Benchmark.realtime do
  while true
    word = words.sample
    puts "\e[36m#{word}\e[0m"
    i = -1
    wl = word.length
    print "\e[2m#{word}\e[0m"
    while i != (wl-1)
      i += 1
      key = STDIN.getch
      all += 1
      if key == word[i]
        print "\r#{word[0..i]}\e[2m#{word[i+1..wl]}\e[0m"
      elsif key == "\C-c"
        flag = true
        print "\r#{word[0...i]}\e[31m#{word[i]}\e[0m\e[2m#{word[i+1..wl]}\e[0m"
        miss += 1
        i -= 1
    break if flag

print "\e[2K\e[1A\e[2K\r"
puts "miss: #{miss}"
printf "press: %.5f/s\n" %(all / result)

Well this is also simple. The time until C-c is done with Benchmark.realtime is measured, and the number of keystrokes per second is calculated based on that. \ e [~~ K, \ e [~~ A are also ANSI escape sequences.

[4] Run!

ruby main.rb

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